Paul Grover & Associates is a design consulting group specialising in water treatment system solutions. We have detailed knowledge of how to correctly and safely use and apply chemicals such as Chlorine (in all forms), Chlorine Dioxide and Ozone.
Our customers like to work with us, because we have long term experience with building, installing and commissioning systems in a contract environment where the system just has to work. We’ve gotten our hands dirty on site and we know which processes and equipment work and which don’t.
With Paul Grover & Associates, you will get advice from an engineer who knows which system works in your application. We are independent of any vendor or manufacturer and we won’t regurgitate information. Our design solutions will be tailored to your individual application every time. Unlike large firms (who often assign graduate engineers as your project managers), with Paul Grover & Associates, you will be dealing with an engineer with over 25 years’ experience in the water treatment industry.
One colleague recently had this to say about Paul Grover’s design solutions:
‘In terms of advice vs supply and demand, where else are clients going to obtain answers to these complex questions? I have been in this industry a long time, and I honestly can’t think of anyone, other than Paul offering the solutions. No one else known to me has this intimate detailed knowledge, nor do they seem to have the psyche to undertake such complex, investigative work.’